Logistics & Return Policy


♦ Orders confirmed before midnight on Mon to Thur, your parcel will be sent out on the next business day. (depends on remaining inventory)

♦ Orders confirmed during Fri to Sun, your parcel will be sent out on the next working Monday. (depends on remaining inventory)

♦ If your order includes pre-sales items, all products will be sent out together after pre-sales items arrive.

♦ When it comes to festive holidays or special occasions, logistics company may encounter a large amount of orders. We will keep you posted about the logistics situation from email or FB page.

♦ Confirmed order can only be cancelled in block. If you need to cancel your order, please write an email to service@the-charites.com before 10a.m. on the next day you made your purchase. Our customer service will handle this for you.

**Note: When your purchase is paid successfully, THE CHARITES will send an order confirmation email to you. Please provide us an accurate email address and contact number, for easier contact. After the parcel is sent out, if you need to trace your parcel, you can email or call us to ask for the parcel number.

In addition, if it is due to your personal matters that the parcel cannot be delivered to you successfully, you may risk a cancelled order without refund.

Taiwan Logistics

President Transnet Corp

  • Choose to get parcel from home delivery
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated address after 1-2 business days (under normal situation)


  • Choose to get parcel at 7-11 shop
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated 7-11 shop after 2-3 business days (Please get your parcel within 7 days after the parcel has arrived the shop)

Family Mart

  • Choose to get parcel at Family Mart shop
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated 7-11 shop after 2-3 business days (Please get your parcel within 7 days after the parcel has arrived the shop)

International Logistics

S.F. Express

  • Orders from Mainland China /HK/Macau
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated address after 3-5 business days (under normal situation)


  • Orders from South East Asia
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated address after 3-5 business days (under normal situation)


  • Orders from EU/US
  • Parcel will be delivered to designated address after 3-5 business days (under normal situation)


  • Check with EMS Taiwan Official website

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Return Policy & Service

依據消保法規定,於官網購物享有 7天鑑賞期。您可在收到商品後的七(7)天內選擇退貨, 提出退貨申請後,請您將整筆訂單內含商品(包含所有配件、贈品、樣品和其他物品)、出貨單等所有資料一併裝入箱中,等待  THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 委託之快遞專員於約定時間,前往原配送地點與您收取退貨包裹。

THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 不接受換貨需求,如商品需要換貨,請整筆退貨後重新訂購。


  • 屬瑕疵或品項數量異常之情形

不受免運門檻限制,請於收貨 7 日內以 FB/LINE@/客服信箱/服務專線(擇一)告知您的訂單編號、提供照片,客服專員會在 3 個工作天內聯繫處理。

  • 屬個人因素欲辦理退換貨


若退換貨後訂單未達免運門檻,需由您自行負擔運費,並將商品寄至:110202 台北市信義區信義路五段5號5D-02室 卡麗特絲 收。


※請您注意:退貨商品必須保持完整性,必須將所有商品、配件、贈品、樣品、其他物品、附件、包裝、隨附文件或資料、出貨單、二聯式發票或三聯式發票(使用手機條碼索取的電子發票及捐贈發票除外)一併退回,以確保您的退貨退款之權益。箱內商品的透明外包袋一經拆除,因涉及衛生保存問題,即視同購買使用,恕無法受理退貨。若拆封者為贈品或配件等(非商品本身),需照價賠償,請您致電客服專員聯絡,同時提供訂單編號及您的電話號碼,以利我們能快速的為您處理。 ※退貨時,請您使用原包裝紙箱將產品包裝妥當退回,若原紙箱已遺失破損,請使用其他完整紙箱包裝。

物流中心確實收到您退回的所有商品,且商品是完整無損的狀態,客服專員會立即為您辦理退款手續。THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 於收到退貨並確認商品及所有資料無誤之日起,預計於7個工作日內通知原信用卡發卡銀行刷退款項/超商撥回款項。 ※請您注意:款項退到您帳上的時間由發卡銀行決定,時間可能有所不同,詳情請洽發卡銀行;超取及貨到付款則於每月5號撥款。

僅受理從 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 官方網站銷售商品的退貨。凡是從 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 官方網站以外管道購買的商品,退貨事宜請聯繫原購買地。

如您收到的產品與您訂購的品項或數量不合,請來電或來信至Email: service@the-charites.com與客服專員聯絡。為避免買賣雙方爭議,出貨時 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 皆有拍照存檔,並皆有日期章以便翻查。

若收到商品有問題,請拍照存證並與我們聯繫,經審查後實屬瑕疵品者,請將瑕疵商品寄回 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲,我們會寄新的給您,瑕疵品換貨費用由 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 全額負擔。 ※瑕疵品損壞定義: 收到產品時,產品外觀破損、內容物外漏或已超過有效期限。

  1. 退款轉帳費須由買方負擔。如屬瑕疵損壞產品,則由 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 負擔。
  2. 原為免物流費的商品如欲退貨,買方須補物流費($80)。如屬瑕疵損壞產品,則由 THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲 負擔。

會員訂購後若大量或頻繁退貨,由於將造成作業上之嚴重困擾,THE CHARITES 卡麗特絲可能會視情況暫時或永久拒絕該會員之訂單或取消其會員資格。